Previous Exams

year partial final session II lab exam
2020 - 2021
2019 - 2020
  1. Exercise I: Mishmash
  2. Exercise II: Strongly connected

  1. Exercise I: Swapping Nodes in a DLL
  2. Exercise II: Hashtables
  3. Exercise III: File & String Manipulation

  1. Exercise I: List Rotation
  2. Exercise II: Palindrom File Processing

2018 - 2019 

  1. Exercise I: Mysterious string
  2. Exercise II: Donating Blood by Compatible Type
  3. Exercise III: Loop it

  1. Exercise I: List and Files
  2. Exercise II: Sorting
  3. Exercise III: Unrolled linked list

  1. Exercise I: Compare 2 text files
  2. Exercise II: Tic-Tac-Toe
  3. Exercise III: Sorting a list

  1. G1: Sum up to.
  2. G2: Is linked list pairwise sorted? 

2017 - 2018

  1. Exercise I: Mysterious enigma
  2. Exercise II: Recursive raising to the power
  3. Exercise III: Dominos linked list

  1. Exercise I: Lab Question: multiply two polynomials
  2. Exercise II: Two Big Binary Numbers Addition
  3. Exercise III: Flattening a Linked List

  1. Lab Exercise: Is it a sparse matrix representation?
  2. Part I: Binary images stored in binary files 
  3. Part II: Sparse matrix transformation

2016 - 2017

  1. Exercise I: Faculty Students 
  2. Exercise II: recursive printRWords 

  1. Exercise I: Lab Based Question: Geometric Shapes 
  2. Exercise II: No Duplication Allowed in Doubly Linked List 
  3. Exercise III: Student grades (files)
  4. Exercise IV: Mirror Mirror …

  1. Exercise I: Find the bugs
  2. Exercise II: reverse the order of the nodes in a doubly linked list 
  3. Exercise III: Book Index  

2015 - 2016

  1. Exercise I: Obese Teenagers 
  2. Exercise II: Memory State WordTest
  3. Exercise III: Copy an array into list 

  1. Exercise I: Replace with asterix characters
  2. Exercise II: Euro 2016 Football Season

  1. Exercise I: Regular Expression Match
  2. Exercise II: List holding statistics for each letter 
  3. Exercise III:  Reverse every alternate k nodes of the list

2014 - 2015

  1. Exercise I: Memory state recursive function f
  2. Exercise II: tic-tac-toe game
  3. Exercise III: addTerm to a polynomial as simply linked list  

  1. Exercise I: split a circular linked list into halves
  2. Exercise II: encode & decode lists with successive repeated nodes
  3. Exercise III:  clone a linked list with an arbitrary pointer

  1. Exercise I: Domino: turn a piece - replace longest possible chain in the game with the given domino tile 
  2. Exercise II: sort a text file in ascending order in terms of number of words in each line 

2013 - 2014

  1. Exercise I: Memory state with struct and pointers and function
  2. Exercise II: The C library function strpbrk()
  3. Exercise III: Managing Factory Orders

Problem: A price catalogue that is sorted according the alphanumeric order of item names.

  1. Data type definition
  2. Put Item
  3. Get Item
  4. Save Catalogue to file
  5. Load Catalogue from file  

  1. Exercise I: Draw the the memory state then deduce what a function does, given a linked list. 
  2. Exercise II: Merge two sorted doubly linked lists
  3. Exercise III:Querying a text file containing flights information from Beirut to Istanbul  

2012 - 2013

  1. Exercise I: Memory state with strings  and pointers and function 
  2. Exercise II:Iterate a list of students to calculate GPAs and class average
  3. Exercise III: Linked list - set user password  

  1. Exercise I: Find and replace all inside a text file 
  2. Exercise II: A data structure to manage open courses and students enrollments

  1. Exercise I: Extract the isosceles triangles to form a separate list 
  2. Exercise II: Reverses the order of the elements of a LL and of a DLL 
  3. Exercise III: Word and paragraph count in a text file  

2011 - 2012

  1. Exercise I: Memory state with pointers and function call. 
  2. Exercise II: Print in reverse order, a string, and an array.
  3. Exercise III: Extracting a list from another.  

  1. Exercise I: Histogram as a linked list of values and frequencies. 
  2. Exercise II: Load a binary file of point3d into a linked list of point2d. 
  3. Exercise III: Intersection of 2 list.   

  1. Exercise I: Effect of fclose in read and write modes. 
  2. Exercise II:Edit a text file to erase all the words having a given suffix. 
  3. Exercise III: Sort a DLL of values 1,2 and 3.
  4. Exercise IV: Check whether a linked list contains a loop.  

Polynomials & Dictionary Project


  1. group 2
  2. group 3


  1. groupe 1 
  2. groupe 3

Point & Rectangle & Dictionary Project

lab session 2 

  1. group 1
  2. group 2
2010 - 2011

  1. Exercise I: Stats on linked list of the class of riri and fifi 
  2. Exercise II: Deletes one node over two from a linked list. 
  3. Exercise III: Insert before in a linked list.  

  1. Exercise I:Dominoes Game. 
  2. Exercise II: Data Base Managment System with text files.  

  1. Exercise I: Linked list : circular or not. 
  2. Exercise II: Get nth element from the tail of a linked list.
  3. Exercise III: Run-Length encoding and decoding lists into and from binary files.  

Binary & text files: load files into streams

LL, CLL: push, delete, intersect, ...

  1. group 1
  2. group 2
  3. group 3

2009 - 2010

  1. Exercise I: A circle inside another. 
  2. Exercise II: Concatenate two linked lists.  

A library application: date, book, loan

  1. lend a book
  2. return a book
  3. save into file and delete list
  4. load from file into a linked list

  1. Exercise I: Replace positions with given character in a linked list of char. 
  2. Exercise II:Display the names of the PCs with no permission to access the printer. (Files) 
  3. Exercise III: Sparse matrix: dimension, sum of 2 matrices.  

2008 - 2009

Student elections:

  1. create array of structue 
  2. annonce winner 
  3. clean the heap  

Sparse Matrix 

  1. construct
  2. add
  3. display
  4. save into file and delete from heap
  5. call the functions  

  1. Exercise I: Recursive reverse of linked list
  2. Exercise II: Match a regular expression (string) to a linked list of char
  3. Exercise III: Statistics on the letters inside a file.  

2007 - 2008

  1. Exercise I: Ordered delete from linked list. 
  2. Exercise II: Create then fill an array of integers.  

  1. Exercise I: Linked lists of intervals: intersection and inclusion. 
  2. Exercise II: Word separator and statistics over text files.  



  1. add a term to a polynomial
  2. create
  3. display
  4. destruct
  5. copy
  6. derive
  7. add two polynomials
  8. multiply a polynomial by a term
  9. save into file
  10. open two files, read polynomials, add them, then save result into third file  

2006 - 2007

  1. Exercise I: Contact telephone number directory as an array of struct Person (add a contact)  
  2. Exercise II: Print a CLL  

  1. Exercise I: Displays the elements (strings) of a simple linked list in reverse order. 
  2. Exercise II:  AM-STRAM-GRAM game.
  3. Exercise III: Warnings and punishments text files.  

  1. Exercise I: Linked lists to manage the elections. 
  2. Exercise II: Manage stock exhange game by using linked lists and arrays: buy and sell actions.  

Last modified: Sunday, 21 February 2021, 6:22 PM