year |
partial |
final |
session II |
lab exam |
2020 - 2021 |
2019 - 2020 |
- Exercise I: Mishmash
- Exercise II: Strongly connected
- Exercise I: Swapping Nodes in a DLL
- Exercise II: Hashtables
- Exercise III: File & String Manipulation
- Exercise I: List Rotation
- Exercise II: Palindrom File Processing
2018 - 2019 |
- Exercise I: Mysterious string
- Exercise II: Donating Blood by Compatible Type
- Exercise III: Loop it
- Exercise I: List and Files
- Exercise II: Sorting
- Exercise III: Unrolled linked list
- Exercise I: Compare 2 text files
- Exercise II: Tic-Tac-Toe
- Exercise III: Sorting a list
- G1: Sum up to.
- G2: Is linked list pairwise sorted?
2017 - 2018
- Exercise I: Mysterious enigma
- Exercise II: Recursive raising to the power
- Exercise III: Dominos linked list
- Exercise I: Lab Question: multiply two polynomials
- Exercise II: Two Big Binary Numbers Addition
- Exercise III: Flattening a Linked List
- Lab Exercise: Is it a sparse matrix representation?
- Part I: Binary images stored in binary files
- Part II: Sparse matrix transformation
2016 - 2017 |
- Exercise I: Faculty Students
- Exercise II: recursive printRWords
- Exercise I: Lab Based Question: Geometric Shapes
- Exercise II: No Duplication Allowed in Doubly Linked List
- Exercise III: Student grades (files)
- Exercise IV: Mirror Mirror …
- Exercise I: Find the bugs
- Exercise II: reverse the order of the nodes in a doubly linked list
- Exercise III: Book Index
2015 - 2016 |
- Exercise I: Obese Teenagers
- Exercise II: Memory State WordTest
- Exercise III: Copy an array into list
- Exercise I: Replace with asterix characters
- Exercise II: Euro 2016 Football Season
- Exercise I: Regular Expression Match
- Exercise II: List holding statistics for each letter
- Exercise III: Reverse every alternate k nodes of the list
2014 - 2015 |
- Exercise I: Memory state recursive function f
- Exercise II: tic-tac-toe game
- Exercise III: addTerm to a polynomial as simply linked list
- Exercise I: split a circular linked list into halves
- Exercise II: encode & decode lists with successive repeated nodes
- Exercise III: clone a linked list with an arbitrary pointer
- Exercise I: Domino: turn a piece - replace longest possible chain in the game with the given domino tile
- Exercise II: sort a text file in ascending order in terms of number of words in each line
2013 - 2014 |
- Exercise I: Memory state with struct and pointers and function
- Exercise II: The C library function strpbrk()
- Exercise III: Managing Factory Orders
Problem: A price catalogue that is sorted according the alphanumeric order of item names.
- Data type definition
- Put Item
- Get Item
- Save Catalogue to file
- Load Catalogue from file
- Exercise I: Draw the the memory state then deduce what a function does, given a linked list.
- Exercise II: Merge two sorted doubly linked lists
- Exercise III:Querying a text file containing flights information from Beirut to Istanbul
2012 - 2013 |
- Exercise I: Memory state with strings and pointers and function
- Exercise II:Iterate a list of students to calculate GPAs and class average
- Exercise III: Linked list - set user password
- Exercise I: Find and replace all inside a text file
- Exercise II: A data structure to manage open courses and students enrollments
- Exercise I: Extract the isosceles triangles to form a separate list
- Exercise II: Reverses the order of the elements of a LL and of a DLL
- Exercise III: Word and paragraph count in a text file
2011 - 2012 |
- Exercise I: Memory state with pointers and function call.
- Exercise II: Print in reverse order, a string, and an array.
- Exercise III: Extracting a list from another.
- Exercise I: Histogram as a linked list of values and frequencies.
- Exercise II: Load a binary file of point3d into a linked list of point2d.
- Exercise III: Intersection of 2 list.
- Exercise I: Effect of fclose in read and write modes.
- Exercise II:Edit a text file to erase all the words having a given suffix.
- Exercise III: Sort a DLL of values 1,2 and 3.
- Exercise IV: Check whether a linked list contains a loop.
Polynomials & Dictionary Project
- group 2
- group 3
- groupe 1
- groupe 3
Point & Rectangle & Dictionary Project
lab session 2
- group 1
- group 2
2010 - 2011 |
- Exercise I: Stats on linked list of the class of riri and fifi
- Exercise II: Deletes one node over two from a linked list.
- Exercise III: Insert before in a linked list.
- Exercise I:Dominoes Game.
- Exercise II: Data Base Managment System with text files.
- Exercise I: Linked list : circular or not.
- Exercise II: Get nth element from the tail of a linked list.
- Exercise III: Run-Length encoding and decoding lists into and from binary files.
Binary & text files: load files into streams
LL, CLL: push, delete, intersect, ...
- group 1
- group 2
- group 3
2009 - 2010
- Exercise I: A circle inside another.
- Exercise II: Concatenate two linked lists.
A library application: date, book, loan
- lend a book
- return a book
- save into file and delete list
- load from file into a linked list
- Exercise I: Replace positions with given character in a linked list of char.
- Exercise II:Display the names of the PCs with no permission to access the printer. (Files)
- Exercise III: Sparse matrix: dimension, sum of 2 matrices.
2008 - 2009 |
Student elections:
- create array of structue
- annonce winner
- clean the heap
Sparse Matrix
- construct
- add
- display
- save into file and delete from heap
- call the functions
- Exercise I: Recursive reverse of linked list
- Exercise II: Match a regular expression (string) to a linked list of char
- Exercise III: Statistics on the letters inside a file.
2007 - 2008 |
- Exercise I: Ordered delete from linked list.
- Exercise II: Create then fill an array of integers.
- Exercise I: Linked lists of intervals: intersection and inclusion.
- Exercise II: Word separator and statistics over text files.
- add a term to a polynomial
- create
- display
- destruct
- copy
- derive
- add two polynomials
- multiply a polynomial by a term
- save into file
- open two files, read polynomials, add them, then save result into third file
2006 - 2007 |
- Exercise I: Contact telephone number directory as an array of struct Person (add a contact)
- Exercise II: Print a CLL
- Exercise I: Displays the elements (strings) of a simple linked list in reverse order.
- Exercise II: AM-STRAM-GRAM game.
- Exercise III: Warnings and punishments text files.
- Exercise I: Linked lists to manage the elections.
- Exercise II: Manage stock exhange game by using linked lists and arrays: buy and sell actions.